
Thepaperpresentstheresultsofstudiesofthemagnetoresistanceeffectandmagneticparametersofthree-componentfilmalloys.,ExperimentsshowthattheapplicationofamagneticfieldincreasestheresistivityofasemiconductorandproducesadecreaseinthemagnitudeoftheHall ...,Thephenomenonofthechangeofconductivitybytheappliedmagneticfieldisgenericallycalledamagnetoresistanceeffect.Thecontentsaredividedintothe ...,磁阻效...

Magnetoresistive Effect and Magnetic Paraneters of Nanocrystalline ...

The paper presents the results of studies of the magnetoresistance effect and magnetic parameters of three-component film alloys.

Theory of the Magnetoresistive Effect in Semiconductors

Experiments show that the application of a magnetic field increases the resistivity of a semiconductor and produces a decrease in the magnitude of the Hall ...

Magnetoresistance Effect

The phenomenon of the change of conductivity by the applied magnetic field is generically called a magnetoresistance effect. The contents are divided into the ...


磁阻效應(magnetoresistance) 描述電阻隨著外加磁場的改變而不同,此效應廣泛地應用在硬碟和磁阻式隨機存取記憶體上。單向磁阻(UMR) 是其中一種源自於自旋霍爾效應的磁 ...

Magnetoresistive sensors

A magnetoresistive sensor uses the fact that the electrical resistance in a ferromagnetic thin film alloy is changed through an external magnetic field. “Ferrum ...

Magnetoresistive effect

A magnetoresistive sensor consists of a resistor made of magnetically sensitive alloy strips such as nickel iron (NiFe).

Magnetoresistive sensors

This paper reviews magnetoresistive sensors for detecting magnetic fields. These sensors are based on an effect which has been known for more than 100 years.

Basics of Magnetoresistive (MR) Sensors

They detect changes, or disturbances in magnetic fields that have been created or modified by objects or events. The magnetic fields may therefore carry ...


隧道磁阻(英語:TMR, Tunnel Magnetoresistance),又稱穿隧磁阻,是發生在磁隧道結(MTJ, Magnetic Tunnel Junction)中的磁阻效應,由一個薄絕緣體及被其隔開的兩個鐵磁體 ...

